Pierre du Plessis

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A Grid to Help you Win the Day.

During the lockdown, I started this little practice to plan my day.

I take my notebook and divide the page into four, I make the top half a little bigger than the bottom half.

Top left I'll write down the three, sometimes 4, most important (not urgent) things I want to get done during the day. These are mostly creative things, like writing, prepping talks or recordings.

Top right I write the usual admin things, emails, paying fines (don't ask), invoicing.. this list doesn't need to get finished that day and the things that aren't completed get carried over. It also a good practice to help sift to do's, after carrying something over for the umpteenth time it just gets dropped.

Bottom left I write down something to think about, just one short sentence. I resolved at the start of this year to spend more time thinking because I usually consume way more information than I can digest.

Bottom right, I write down a couple of affirmations, things that are true about me that is difficult for me to believe.

Here is a template you can print out.

Get skin in the game, work on the important things.
