Pierre du Plessis

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Be a little pessimistic

I recently read an article that speaks of a simple experiment that aimed to see which people were likely to see patterns that don't exist.

There were a slightly depressed (or let's say pessimistic) group and a group that were naturally more optimistic.

Each person was given a light and a button and asked whether or not the button controlled the light. It didn't.

Pessimistic, or slightly depressed people, were quicker to realise that there was no connection, whilst optimistic people were certain of a hidden pattern, like hitting the button three times quickly, waiting a few seconds and hitting it again.

Optimism believes in a better future, Pessimism sees the results of past mistakes manifest in the present.

If we are to move forward, blind optimism is not going to help us, and in an Instagram culture of excessive positivity, we need to be perhaps (at least a little) pessimistic and see the reality caused by past mistakes, imagine a better future and start building it.

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