Pierre du Plessis

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An epoche is a suspension of judgment, a concept used in philosophy it could also be declared a space, a state, or a community.

This is the Fossores Chapter House in Michigan, where I spent the last few days. The Chapter House is an ‘epoche’ space.

We need epoche (in all its forms), spaces, and states of non-judgment where we can voice opinions, try on ideas, and experiment.

We need a tribe that suspends judgment, a safe space.

Unfortunately, the internet is a tricky space, filled with unwritten rules of communication that shift from platform to platform.

Spaces like the Chapter House matter. Spaces where ideas can be shared and tested without fear of reprisal.

Entrepreneurs need spaces like these, teams need spaces like these, humans need spaces, and tribes like these.

Do you have a space and epoche of sorts? If not, can you create it?