Pierre du Plessis

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"Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly...

At the end of his TED talk Daniel Gilbert throws out this magnificent line,

"Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they're finished"*

If you ask any person how much they have changed in the last decade they will say, quite a bit.

If you ask them how much they will change in the next decade they will say, not that much.

Problem is that when you ask a 30-year-old, 40-year-old, or a 50-year-old this same set of questions, they'll give you the same answers.

Which, of course, is not possible.

We think we are finished, complete as we are now, so when (not if) we do change it's painful.

Best to make peace with constant change.

You are not complete.

Get skin in the game, change.
