Pierre du Plessis

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I'm reading Bob Goff's Dream Big, it is a pretty decent and fun read. He has done some incredible work, saving children from sex trafficking and starting schools in war-torn countries. (He is also a 7 on the Enneagram. So, over the top and annoyingly, at times, positive. :P )

The book’s on reaching your goals, ambitions, dreams. He starts with three questions

Who are you?
Where are you now?
Where do you want to go?

Pretty standard and simple stuff. The middle one is the one that hit me in the gut this morning.

Can I truthfully answer where I am now in my life, can you?

Are you stuck in a job you hate?
In a relationship, you don't want to or can't leave?
Are you content to the point of passivity?

If you want to get somewhere you need a starting line.

So, where are you now?
