Pierre du Plessis

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The best in the world

The best Sushi in the world is served at a 10 seat restaurant in Tokyo, Sukiyabashi Jiro.

The meal takes about 15 minutes, and the washroom is outside. To say the place is small is an understatement. It also has three Michelin stars.

It may be small, but it has changed the way the world looks at sushi. The documentary, Jiro Dreams of Sushi, was the original igniter of the now famous ‘Chef’s Table’ series. Countless of people, myself included, will cite it as their favourite.

Jiro’s is small but with a wide net.

Small does not equal bad and large does not equal success, not always.

The question is, what are you measuring, influence or bums on seats? The real question, however, is what is most important, the bottom line or creating great work?

Get skin in the game.
