Pierre du Plessis

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Want to read more?

What are you reading right now? Let me know, I'd love to hear.

I'm reading How to Change your mind by Micheal Pollan.

Most of us want to read more but rarely do.. here are a couple of tips that I use to build a reading practice*:

1. I have a pages per day goal, 20 pages minimum (which is about 15 min of reading). That means I can get through at least 2 books a month, that is 24 books a year.. that is double than what the average person reads.

2. I try to read one book at a time, or one non-fiction and one fiction.

2b. Read fiction too, it pulls all the learning together.

3. When you finish your book, immediately start the next one.

4. Have a reading time, reading space, and a reading snack or drink.. It helps build the habit.

5. Keep a reading list, I use Goodreads

6. Finally, don't feel bad to not finish a book if it's not working for you (or if you discover the author is just trying to hit their word count.)

Happy reading.


PS: In the Palaestra I often post reading recommendations and excerpts from books I like. Would love for you to join.

*These tips are a mash-up of my own, and my bibliophile friend Bronwyn Williams, follow her on Instagram to see what she is reading.