Pierre du Plessis

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Which pen, typewriter or webinar platform to use...

Having been in multiple meetings over the last month or two over which webinar or live streaming service is best I can tell you one thing for sure,

it doesn't matter.

The tech doesn't matter nearly as much as we'd like to think, sure it needs to work, but beyond that ... nobody cares.

They care about you, and the problems that you solve for them.

And as long as the tech is solving the problem, you are good to go.

Stephen King, apparently, was once giving a talk on writing and during the Q&A someone asked him what type of pen he used. 

King flipped his lid.

The pen doesn't make the writer,
neither does the typewriter,
nor does the word processing software.

The webinar/streaming/email newsletter platform doesn't make the business.

Solving problems makes the business.

Get skin in the game, grab a pen, any pen that writes, and get on with it.


PS: Want to dig deeper? Go and have a look in the Palaestra