Pierre du Plessis

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In the buff

If you've been reading this letter for a while, you'll remember that I used to sign off with the phrase:

Get skin in the game.

The Greek word gumnasto, from which we get the word gymnasium, literally means "to train in the nude."

The ancient Greeks used to train and compete naked, and there are various stories about why they did this. The explanations range from the practical, it was simply easier without clothing, (no spandex yet) to the legendary, like the tale of a marathon runner who lost his loincloth mid-race and decided to just keep going in the buff.

"All the cool kids run without loincloths these days."

For me, it means showing up as you are. Daring greatly, as Roosevelt would say. Trying, no matter the outcome.

What will you attempt this week, just as you are?

No pretense. No BS.

Just you, doing your best.


If you don't have a copy of Train Naked, you can still get them on ​Takealot​, ​Loot​, and ​Amazon​

And if you want me to come and talk to your team about Training Naked (no live demos ;) ), let me know. ​I'd love too.