A guide to a meaningful life and work that matters.
The ancient Greeks trained in the nude in the gymnasium and competed in the buff in the Olympic Games. They literally had skin in the game.
The ancient Greek word for gymnasium, gumnasia, means to train naked. The ancient Greek gyms were not just for physical training but also had dedicated spaces for intellectual exercise for philosophy, teaching, and conversation.
To Train Naked is to show up just as you are. No pretences, no masks, no BS. We train to compete, we practice to nail a presentation. Why do we then not train to become better human beings, craft meaningful lives, do work that matters, and thrive in chaos?
The curated selection of Pierre's daily reflections, meditations and practices presented in this book is a call to Train Naked and finally have some skin in the game.
Enquire to book a Train Naked Keynote with books for each of your team members:
“Pierre is the Seneca the 21st century needs.”
“A thought-provoking collection of ideas and musings that, if taken to heart, have the potential to add immense depth and richness (with compounding interest) to your life.”
Pierre has also written books on the historical Jesus and conversations between theism and atheism, find them at your favourite book store.