Pierre du Plessis

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Are they keeping something hidden?

We are a suspicious bunch, us humans.

We always suspect that something is being hidden, or is hiding in the shadows. Just search for conspiracy theories online and you see what I mean (or take a look on your facebook feed)

It's basically Gnosticism in a new guise, The belief that matter, the visible, is evil and that some secret knowledge available to a select few will grant the freedom.

Problem is, humans are notoriously fallible, chaotic and random, we are not good at hiding things. We like to brag, for one. We make mistakes, sometime somewhere some guy will leave his unlocked phone in a bar, write his password on a sticky note, post selfies at a council of the supreme elders, tagging everyone or use Strava on a secret military base.

Things are, mostly, as they appear. There aren't any Illuminati hiding in the shadows, and no one is keeping a secret from you (at least not very well).

The world is just crazy, random, and chaotic there is no man behind the curtain.

It is our desire for something other, something else, for this secret meaning that can drive us mad.

And cause us to not solve the obvious causes of the problems right in front of us.
