Are you a dismissive listener?


Are you a dismissive listener, always trying to fix someone instead of showing empathy?

Dismissive listeners use phrases like:

It could be worse
The same thing happened to my friend...
What if you try this?
Aw! Don't be so upset
Oh! You should read / listen / follow 
(this is one I use too often)
You'll be fine!
I totally get it.. one time...

Empathetic listeners on the other hand use phrases like

I'm listening
That sounds heavy
... (just keep quiet)
What did that make you feel?
How can I show up for you moving forward?
I'm here.
Is there more?
It sounds like you are saying . . . is that accurate?

Which one are you?

Get skin in the game, learn to use empathetic language and be a better listener.

Thanks Tom for posting this.


What are you supposed to be focusing on this week?


A Brave and Startling Truth