Pierre du Plessis

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Cursed with knowledge, blessed with speech. (Dealing with chaos and other monsters)

Human beings are conscious. We know that we are here, we know that we are going to die. We know that danger lurks, I'm pretty sure neither of my dogs is worried about COVID-19, load shedding, or the economy. 

We are aware of the chaos, the uncertainty, and the unknown.

We are also able to speak (my dogs can't). We are able to voice and put words to our frustration, anxiety and fear.

It is our words that form the unknown into actuality, it isn't a ghost in the corner of my room, it's just my coat.

In times like these, uncertain, it is more important than ever to use our words to shape and get a handle on the unknown. 

In the words of Yoda, 'Named your fear must be, before banish it  you can.'

Get skin in the game, speak.
