don't lose sight of . . .

My daughter and I had a back and forth on whether criminal court cases should be televised (or well, streamed). One objection, which she agreed on, was that it could tend to a person being presumed guilty by the viewers, rather than innocent.

Individual responsibility is what Western society was built on, and for all its flaws it remains fundamental to hold our world intact.

It's not 'the Russians'

It's not 'the immigrants'

It's not 'men'.

It is this person, this one, standing right in front of you that deserves to be presumed innocent despite their language, race, nationality, or gender.

Take note when you open up your feeds this week, how often is an individual held accountable due to the perceived guilt of the group.

Don't lose sight of the individual. We do so at great risk.





Hilariously Melancholic