Pierre du Plessis

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How is your soul doing?

I was listening to my friend Johan Beukes speaking about taking care of your soul this weekend, I'd thought to share some of his thoughts here.

Firstly, when we speak of soul we speak of our essence. Different cultures and different spiritualities have a different word for it, soul, spirit, psyche, true self, use the one that you feel comfortable with.

Aristotle said,"For I spend all my time going about trying to persuade you, young and old, to make your first and chief concern not for your bodies nor for your possessions, but for the highest welfare of your souls..."

A couple of thousand years later and we are still not very good at taking care of our souls, we are good at taking care of our careers, and getting better at taking care of our bodies, but not our souls.

Our souls need three things:

1. Rest, I hope I don't need to explain this.
2. Truth, not empirical truth, but the truth about what the soul is, that it is good, loved and wanted.
3. Meaning, which is chiefly found in gratitude.

Maybe take some time and sit with those three, how is your soul doing?

Get skin in the game, take care of yourself.
