Is it too late to start...?

spirituality and war.png

Is it too late?

When the lockdown was announced, my first words to our community were,

This is what you trained for.

Two spheres of life trains one specifically for complex and even chaotic times, one trains you to handle the changes life bring us, and the other trains us for battle.

Spirituality and the Military are these spheres of life which both rely heavily on repetitive training to equip people with the tools they need to handle chaos, whether in life or in war.

Both include training regimens that teach discipline, submission, leadership, and comradery by manufacturing liminal spaces (chaotic times) such as boot camps and retreats using tools such as extreme physical training, endurance, fasting, and silence did repetitively to ingrain the skills.

I hope you trained well before the lockdown, if not it is never too late to start.

Start by sitting in silence every morning, even for 5 minutes to begin with, then 10 and aim for eventually 20 minutes every day.

Get skin in the game, practice chaos.



What does it take to change?


"the blank canvas is afraid of the truly passionate painter"