Life supplies 'that' person...
Life presents to us what we need in order to become who we were created to be.
It even supplies that person who irritates you, always contradicts you, is always up in your face, the one that disregards your ideas.
That person brings a gift, your enemy is your teacher.
The trick is to stop before you react and ask why this person is getting on your nerves?
Why you are feeling like this, what part of your ego is this person perhaps triggering?
Is there some inner work that you might need to complete?
If not, then what is the most mature way in which you can respond to your 'enemy', what are they teaching you about standing up for yourself, believing in your own ideas, letting your voice be heard, or perhaps they are bringing a lesson about tolerance and self-control?
Your enemy just might be your biggest ally.
Get skin in the game, love your enemy.
“If you can cultivate the right attitude, your enemies are your best spiritual teachers because their presence provides you with the opportunity to enhance and develop tolerance, patience and understanding.”