not having it ...


Fasting, not as a way to lose weight or boost your ketones but as a practice has been around for millennia in just about every spirituality. Today marks the beginning of Lent, a 40 day fast for some in the Christian community.

Fasting is training, as all practices are, for the rest of life. It teaches that you don't have to have everything, that you can survive on very little. It teaches self-control, it shows you that there are other things in life that are more important than food and luxury.

If you haven't tried it before, perhaps try fasting something for a week or two (not as a diet, but as an intentional practice), give up something like alcohol, sugar, coffee, even sex, and notice how you respond, what comes up, what frustrates.

Get skin in the game, fast.



Let it cut more deep


Don't stop, don't strain