Ordinary is good.


Life has peaks and valleys, we know this well. The stories we watch and listen too, show only the peaks and valleys. Instagram and social media only show peaks (sometimes valleys).

Truth is, most of our lives are lived on the plains. In the ordinary but nobody is making movies about dropping kids at school, buying milk and bread, and trying to fix a broken washing machine yourself.

Annie Dillard said, that how we spend our days is how we spend our lives. This moment and the next is your life, your life is not peaks or even valleys, it's mostly the mundane in between.

And that is okay.

You don't need to scale everything, you don't need to hit massive goals, you don't need to change the world every damn day.

You can just be kind, be generous, be a good parent. And that is enough, that is quite a lot actually.

I hope you have an ordinary week.





Like butter...