Remember you have to...


I often post Memento Mori on my IG feed, and also I collect them and keep them all around our house. The one above is unfortunately not mine, it's an ivory pendant from the 16th century.

Memento Mori means, 'Remember that you (have to) die'. The concept has its roots in the philosophers of classical antiquity and in Christianity, you will also find similar traditions in many other religions and cultures. In Europe, especially depictions of skulls, skeletons, hourglasses, and wilting flowers are easy to spot in churches, on graves and tombs, and in jewellery, like the pendant above. They can become quite grotesque.

They are meant to inspire moral and courageous living. Albert Camus stated, “Come to terms with death, thereafter anything is possible.”

The clock is ticking.

Memento Mori.


What does it mean to grow up?

