Pierre du Plessis

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saying sorry

You might have seen on social media that I posted a bit about my story of being bullied as a child. Since the post, I've been contacted by many people telling me their painful stories.

This blog is for the others, the ones that bully (which is all of us, 'cause all of us bully or harm at some point).

Saying sorry* is necessary, and has three lines:

1. I'm sorry.

2. It's my fault.

3. What can I do to make it right?

All three are necessary, apologies happen on the other person's terms and not ours, we listen, we take what they want to say, and do what they need to make it right. The apology has to be owned, sorry has no but..., and we don't get to choose how to make it right.

It's not about you.

Get skin in the game, say sorry properly.


*Think I picked this up from Brene Brown, but can’t remember. :)