Daily Letter

Rambling thoughts on why we do what we do, strategy, building teams, building you, and doing work that matters.

A thought-provoking collection of ideas and musings that if taken to heart, have the potential to add immense depth and richness (with compounding interest) to your life
— Shane
Not once have I been sorry that I signed up for Pierre’s newsletter 😁
— Nerine
If you want to be reminded how to be a decent human in just a few sentences, then this is it.
— Ronel
GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis

About that pole in the drive way

When people lose control of their vehicles they tend to almost always hit something, a tree, a road sign, or the only lamppost on the street. Perhaps you have experienced this too? Why does this happen? Well, my theory is that in a crisis we focus our attention on something and then we can’t let it go.

Do this little exercise with me quickly, I heard it yesterday on Tara Brach’s podcast.

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