

Beauty was seen by medieval scholars as one of the transcendentals of being, one of the truths of life that do not need justification or explanation, like her sisters, truth and goodness, she points to the divine, the essence of life, without fail.

We've lost our appreciation of beauty, seeing it as soft and a surface thing. But we've all experienced moments when true beauty, an artwork, a landscape, a building, or a person grabs our attention and forces us to experience it beyond the surface.

Beauty fascinates us and also invites us to become better people, to be the best version of ourselves, the most beautiful, and to make better things.

This season focus on beauty, allow it to arrest you, create beauty for others.

Thank you for reading this year, I'll be taking a break from blogging till the new year (When the book comes out! pre-orders will be opening early in the year, so keep an eye out)

Get skin in the game, make beautiful things.



Listen to the beat (welcome to 2020)


Promises promises