What are you, truly, feeling right now?


What are you feeling right now, what emotion are you experiencing?

Joy, anger, fear, sadness?

Each emotion has a weight, joy is the lightest and sadness the heaviest. Each emotion often covers another.

Joy can cover anger, anger covers fear, and fear sadness.

What are you really feeling, are you pretending to be happy when in truth you are furious? 

Are you angry or are you afraid? 

Are you afraid or are you sad?

Once we get to the true emotion, that emotion has an invitation for us. Joy invites us to celebrate, to include. Anger invites us to change something, to challenge, to bring justice. Fear is about possibly losing something in the future, fear might invite us to be grateful for what we have now, to return to the present moment. Sadness is about loss, it invites us to grieve, to say goodbye and to let go.

What are you really feeling, and what is the care that your soul requires right now?

What is the invitation?

Get skin in the game, get to the bottom of it.



If you are still breathing...

