What is the task life is putting in front of you?
6-Day Bicycle Race, Madison Sq. Garden. Glass-plate negative by Bain News Service. Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division.
Life doesn't owe you anything.
It doesn't have to provide you with meaning, comfort or joy.
You, on the other hand, owe much to life. You owe it to complete the tasks (as Frankl puts it) it hands you well.
To do work that you are proud of.
To do work that matters.
To raise your kids well.
To suffer with dignity.
To be humble when you are successful.
To complete the race, and complete it well.
What is the task in front of you today, this week, this season?
This is why we are building the Palaestra, a community of practice, where we can learn to complete the tasks that life hands well.
Get skin in the game, complete the race.