Pierre du Plessis

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Big stones first

There is a well-known story of an illustration that a professor (or some teacher) did in front of his class.

He filled a jar with large stones, then poured small pebbles to fill the gaps, then sand, then water, each round asking the class whether the jar was now full. The illustration is about being able to do more than you think you can, but it's also about how to fill the jar.

If you would start with the sand or the small stones, you wouldn't be able to get everything into the jar.

You need to put the big stones in first.

What are the big stones in your life right now, what is important right now, family perhaps, a specific project, a certain relationship?

On a practical note, I write down three things each day that I want to get done that day, these are my big stones.

The rest then fits in very nicely.

Get skin in the game, big stones first.
