Pierre du Plessis

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God can't think straight

This might seem a strange start to the week, but a necessary one. One of our dear friends passed away this weekend, he had motor neuron disease. His passing got me thinking about life, as death tends to make one do.

Life is not a straight line, something as simple as a Monday testifies to that. We restart the week after our rest only to complete the circle again.

Death and resurrection, that is the stuff of life.

A friend of mine of remarks how one doesn’t find any perfectly straight lines in nature, everything is skew and often circular, from fish eggs to the moon, he then quips, ‘seems God can’t think straight’.

"I am done with talk of death except as it is a part of life, one side of a sphere whose roundness would otherwise be incomplete. In a letter van Gogh wrote, "The earth had thought to be flat... science has proved that the world is round... they persist nowadays in believing that life is flat and runs from birth to death. However, life, too, is probably round."


Life is about loss, a continual letting go, of something as simple as the weekend that has passed, and something as heartbreaking as a friend passing away surrounded by his family.

Our core practice should be learning to always let go so we can pick up the new, until one day we have to let go of it all ... to pick up the new.
