Daily Letter
A short, daily burst of inspiration in fewer than a 100 words.
15 seconds at a time
Here is something that I picked up lately, and it has had a major effect on my mood, and mental health. It took a while to get right, but once it got going it is hard to stop.
Living with someone living with depression
'Just make a choice.'
'Can't you just be grateful for what you have?'
'Cheer up, it's not that bad!'
'Lots of people have it worse off than you do.'
Just some of the things people have said to me, and I'm sure to you if you live with the black dog. People mean well, but end up just making things a lot worse.
Happiness is a skill
In a chaotic world, we still have choices. In fact, in a chaotic world you may have even more choices than in a stable one. In a chaotic world, the old rules, hierarchies and traditions have little or no authority.
The trick is to always be responding, riding the wave, creating your own world, own reality (if you must). As with many things in your life, career, relationships, money. Happiness, largely, is a choice, but even more than that, happiness is a skill.