Pierre du Plessis

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The biggest pile

I've been thinking quite a bit about success, and what that means. To be honest, it's quite a difficult thing for me. If I'm not careful I define success in terms of money, possessions and influence (and being a type 4 on the enneagram I tend to get envious at the drop of a hat).

So what I'm trying to do, is to redefine what success means to me, or should mean to me at least ;), here is my list so far:

I 'win' when:

I've inspired someone.
I've created something.
I'm a good dad and husband.

What is your definition of success, and what is the one you believe by default?

The journey between those two points is the point.


“Apparently we can't stop eating, shopping, or consuming.
Success is measured not in terms of love, wisdom, and maturity
but by the size of one's pile of possessions.”
Brennan Manning