The real reason Kings needed Jesters (and it's not truth-telling)


Kings needed Jesters or had Jesters to distract them from their inner turmoil.

The Jungian James Hollis wrote that the king needed the Jester lest he looks inside himself and goes mad.

Leadership requires difficult decisions, handling paradox and even moral and ethical ambiguity.

This can drive you mad, and the way kings solved is by distracting themselves. Distraction, amusement, to calm those storms works, which is why it often leads to addiction to said amusement. Just look around at leaders, how healthy are they on the inside, how addicted are they to whatever

I'd bet you see what I see, broken and tormented leaders all over the place.

So what is the solution here, better Jesters? Or for the King to take a look inside themselves and face the dragons?

Rilke wrote, that it is never too late to delve deep and find the life that reveals itself quietly within you.

(This story is part of one of my leadership talks by the way)

Get skin in the game, give the Jester the day off.


How to be spiritually healthy


a clearing in the forest