a clearing in the forest


The tension between hustling and waiting is a very real one for me, especially this year. I'm not sure I have the answer, but there is definitely something there. I've been thinking about this so often and a friend sent this poem to me yesterday, so I thought I'd share it with you.


Do not try to save 
the whole world 
or do anything grandiose. 
Instead create 
a clearing 
in the dense forest 
of your life 
and wait there patiently, 
until the song 
that is your life 
falls into your own cupped hands 
and you recognise and greet it. 
Only then will you know 
how to give yourself 
to this world 
so worthy of rescue. 

- Martha Postlewaite. 

Perhaps making a clearing is what I need to do right now, at this point in time.

Sometimes in life a door closes and a window opens, sometimes you have to go head first through a wall, and sometimes you just have to cup your hands.

Get skin in the game.


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