Pierre du Plessis

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There is always something to ...

If only I can get that, then I'll be complete.

I was listening to an interview with the founder of HINGE, a wildly successful dating app. The undercurrent of the interview was this exact idea, if I meet the one then I would be ...

Now you can replace 'the one', with anything; kids, wealth, position, even God and the uncomfortable truth is that it would still not make you complete, happy and whole.

I suspect the point of life may not be to be complete but rather to move forward. It is this very incompleteness that draws us forward and what makes us human.

Now, we can do one of two things. We can detach from everything and try to completely tap out, this is one, nearly impossible and two, denying the very thing that makes us human, our restlessness and desire for wholeness.

Or we can accept our incompleteness and continue to create and innovate and make things that make the world better and continue to make it better, forever.

There is always something to build, to design, to invent, to fix.
