Pierre du Plessis

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to the point of tears

In a magical world, all things have meaning, the black cat, the number of the day, the stars, and dreams.

Our lived experience can be somewhat different, we have to deal with absurdity, meaninglessness, quite often.

A child dying.

A relationship lost.

Natural disasters, pandemics...

Our desire to attach meaning to the absurd can lead us down a dangerous path of blame and anger or at best guilt and shame.

The philosopher, Albert Camus*, who I've been introduced to by my friend Stan, talks of the radical acceptance of the absurd.

To accept that life has no meaning (philosophers always speak in absolutes), is our best chance at a good life.

"The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy."

"Men must live and create. Live to the point of tears."

If you have tried all else, there is peace is acceptance of the absurd. Creating work, for the sake of creating, pushing the boulder up the hill for the sake of pushing.

Art for art's sake.


*read, The Myth of Sisyphus