Tricky meeting coming up? Try this:

If you are like me, then this might help. I tend to have loooong arguments in my head AFTER I had a difficult meeting... "I should've said ..."

So here is how I handle it now, I take a pen and paper... BEFORE the meeting and write down all the possibilities I can think of, and then write out my replies. That helps to be prepared.

In the meeting, I have my notebook with me (I don't often refer back to the replies), but I use the notebook to write down as much as possible what is being said, this keeps an informal record AND allows me a few seconds to form a reply.

One last tip, if the meeting is just with one person, sit at the corner of the table, not opposite. Do this for two reasons, one it is less defensive, and two they can see the notes you write so that it is clear you aren't hiding anything.

Get skin in the game, write it down.


PS: I'm hosting a storytelling for business event on 17 Oct at Ideas Cartel in the Old Foundry. Tickets here, use the code TRAINNAKED to get a 20% discount. :)


Bread on the water


Just one question..