Daily Letter
A short, daily burst of inspiration in fewer than a 100 words.
What are you supposed to be focusing on this week?
Goal setting is all the rage, daily, weekly, yearly goals.
I used to set goals, very specific, quantifiable goals like,
I didn't survive, I ...
When Tony Robbins asked Nelson Mandela how he survived all those years in prison, his answer surprised.
beyond platitudes
At the start of the year social media is filled with 'live your best life!' or 'become the best you!' posts.
one by one
Step by step, block by block, one small generous action on top of another, that is how you build something that lasts.
the long middle
It's about the hard work in the middle, the crossing, when nothing feels like it is happening, but you just have to keep on paddling and not give up on the story.
Finish the Move
Finish the move! That is what our self defense teacher used to yell at us in training.
I received a message this morning from a friend of mine, sharing how helpful it has been to start journaling, just writing her thoughts and daydreams down.
Hope & Fear
How do you know you are on the right track?
For me, whenever I start something new,
90 days
Here’s a neat thing I’ve been trying for the last year or so, I review and set new goals every 90 days. I picked it up from my friend Louw (he runs an awesome company by the way, that helps businesses scale… fast).
I used to do yearly goals
three 'story' questions
Here are three questions that will send you on a quest. These three questions are the basic questions that frame every story and they will help you get clarity and plot a course in life and work.