Pierre du Plessis

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How did they get there?

How did they get there, how did they build that, write that, create that?!

When we see the final results it seems like an impossible feat that required miracles and or superhuman powers.

When I get asked this question, the answer is simple.

I followed the breadcrumbs left by others.

I got to where I am by following the advice, example, and mentorship of others and so did they.

There is no such thing as a self-made man.

Leaving breadcrumbs for others is how we move forward as a civilization.

Hoarding your loaves leaves you with stale bread.

Who left breadcrumbs for you and who are you leaving breadcrumbs for?


PS: It was Leonard Sweet that first talked about leaving breadcrumbs (not to be confused with breadcrumb-ing :D )