Daily Letter

A short, daily burst of inspiration in fewer than a 100 words.

  • "A thought-provoking collection of ideas and musings that if taken to heart, have the potential to add immense depth and richness (with compounding interest) to your life"

    Shane Dryden, co-founder Yuppiechef

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  • "If you want to be reminded how to be a decent human in just a few sentences, then this is it."

    Ronel H

  • “Pierres’ Daily Letter has become the weekday spark of inspiration, motivation and perspective for me. To me his letters serve as a reminder to not turn my rhythms into routine, but to stay intentionally present in every day”


Read some letters

GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis


The second double edged aspect of the warrior, is control, and specifically control of the self.

The image here is of a Khoisan hunter crouching for hours,

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GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis

Gathering and scattering

I’ve been musing lately about the speeches and the actual physical movement of the civil rights protestors under the leadership of Martin Luther King jr.

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GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis

It's a good day to die

Samurai, like all great warriors, live with a constant awareness of death. That today might very well be their last day, their last battle. So, it is best to give it all you’ve got.

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GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis

Wear light armour - Katchu

Samurai choose to wear only lightweight armor, offensive armor. Defensive armor is heavy and difficult to move in, but light offensive armor gives one the advantage of speed and agility.

These two are completely different attitudes in life,

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GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis

Kamae - Take the Battle Stance

The samurai is always taught, “Test your armor, but only test the front.”

We all face battles, attacks, from the inside and the outside. Yet, very few admit it and most prefer to either ignore the attacks or just take them lying down.

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GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis

Zen 7. Ken 3.

The Samurai, the elite japanese swordsmen, had a very specific code that they lived by called the Bushidō . There was a saying about what was important when training to be a Samurai; Zen 7 and Ken 3. Zen is spirit and Ken is sword.

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GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis


Yesterday I talked with a group of leader for the morning at a retreat centre just outside Hermanus. The topic was innovation, creativity, and what there is to do once you have reached the last third of your career and your life.

After the three hour session, I told them how I would design an organisation if I could do it from scratch and asked them in return what they would do.

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