Daily Letter
A short, daily burst of inspiration in fewer than a 100 words.
Are you succumbing to violence, right at your desk?
At the end of a week, I often find that I've worked, in one way or another, every single day of that week.
In general, I hardly ever take breaks
Shut up and do the work
Talk, talk, talk, post, post, post ... comment, comment, comment....
Our great gift for language is one of our biggest obstacles, we can talk about an idea forever without taking action to do it.
It's also just a job...
Where is meaning located?
Lately society, myself included, wants everyone to find meaning within their work…
First things first
What is the thing you need to do that will make today a good day? In other words, when you get into bed tonight and think back on today, what would make you go,
The work that you do...
I think about work, a lot. Not just my job but work in general. I think about the nature of it, why we do it, how it frames us, the pressure I put on it to give me an identity.
if you ... (witches are naturally nosy...)
A Terry Pratchet quote to start your week right:
What are you busy with?
Once, many centuries ago, there were three workers building a cathedral in a small town. A man walked past and asked each of them, ‘what are you busy doing?’