Daily Letter
A short, daily burst of inspiration in fewer than a 100 words.
Have you noticed the new..
Have you noticed the new rhythms and patterns that have been emerging over the last 5 weeks since lockdown began?
like trying to push back a river
If you have been reading these for a while you'd know that I'm a bit of a Japanophile (did you know that the seamstresses in Japan have a special ceremony every year to honour the blunt needles?).
Ruin reveals
Tough times reveal character.
I picked up this quote from one of my favourite architects, minimalist Tadao Ando
Is it too late to start...?
Is it too late?
When the lockdown was announced, my first words to our community were,
"the blank canvas is afraid of the truly passionate painter"
the blank canvas is afraid of the truly passionate painter
lists that will save your life...
This three columned list* has helped me deal with fear and anxiety,
but what can I do with it? (thoughts on value)
Now is the time to communicate value.
The question is then, when is something valuable?
Can you read the signs... ?
Humans are sign readers.*
We read signs to find our way, whether in traffic or in life.
Dont' be a ... 🍆
Liminal spaces build community, they force people together in order to survive.
Optimist or Pessimist?
To write or not to write about Corona, that is the question....
Two things are necessary, a realisation of the severity of the situation and hope that we will survive it.
a lesson from a child psychologist...
A simple practice, that deserves repeating, which a child psychologist friend of ours teaches the kids that come to see her (It's helpful for adults too, maybe even more so).