Daily Letter
A short, daily burst of inspiration in fewer than a 100 words.
I was having an existential crisis...
Yesterday I was sitting at my desk and felt the anxiety rise up in my stomach. It slowly emerged as if from a lake and then proceeded to twist, turn and tangle itself tightly into my gut.
Don't open it too soon.
If you are like me when you have an idea for a new product, artwork, business, you want to build it now and launch it yesterday.
Words Matter
Words matter. I'm a writer, so words are my thing.
Words are metaphors and images, they convey meaning. They give us a vision and an image of what to strive and aim for.
love what happens,
Amor Fati is a latin phrase used by the stoic philosophers to describe and important concept,
Creativity is a crushing chore and a glorious mystery
Creativity is a crushing chore and a glorious mystery. The work wants
When did they get't?
Communication has only happened when the other person has understood what you have said.
mark't like Vincent
A good artist has an identifiable mark.
Van Gogh had a very specific mark.
Specialisation is for insects
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship,
The most important friendship right now
The most important friendship you can make and nurture right now is with someone who
Two questions you need to answer every day:
Once there was a rabbi walking along a road when a Roman soldier shouted these questions at him:
Infinity in your hand
There are about seven and a half quintillion grains of sand on earth (give or take). This sand has been formed over the last 500 million years. When you pick
What is the task life is putting in front of you?
Life doesn't owe you anything.
It doesn't have to provide you with meaning, comfort or joy.
We are faced with a choice. Do we sink further into apathy or..
I'm re-reading Viktor Frankl's Man Search for Meaning (it's mandatory reading for all humans by the way)
His description of life in the concentration camps, of the ordinary prisoners, not the famous or infamous ones, is quite telling…
This one question could save your life
When Viktor Frankl was called in to help lower the suicide rate in a mental hospital in Austria he told them to give the patients this one question to discuss,