Daily Letter
A short, daily burst of inspiration in fewer than a 100 words.
what are you waiting for?
One of my favourite animated films is The Incredibles, a story about a family of superheroes that are in hiding since the world no longer 'needs' superheroes.
A Parable: The boy and the snake
Once, a long time ago, there was a boy who became great friends, best friends, with a snake.
A little bird perched on your shoulder
There is a Zen Buddhist practice, similar to Memento Mori, that asks you to daily imagine a little bird perching on your shoulder. This little bird asks you only one question (and it is a good one),
How is your soul doing?
I was listening to my friend Johan Beukes speaking about taking care of your soul this weekend, I'd thought to share some of his thoughts here.
without a thread
"The new country is where you are called to go, and the only way to go there is naked and vulnerable" - Henri Nouwen
a million little choices
There are a couple of hundred people on this email list, and if a couple of hundred people start to do things differently, start to build stuff that matters, that make our country and our world a little bit better every day then that could be quite something.
Is this the condition that I so feared?
It would be fair to say that I've become fairly obsessed with practices over the last decade. That is after all what 'Training Naked' means, to engage authentically in practices as to live a better life.
Fix or Feature?
A friend of mine runs a fantastic Non Profit in Uganda, Uganda Shoes Trees. They also have a small coffee plantation in between miles and miles of tea plantations
Regula III
Here is a practice, a regula, that helps me get my body and mind connected and in the right state.
Regula II
Continuing the thread from yesterday,
What do you do first thing in the morning? The first thing that happens when you open your eyes?