Daily Letter

A short, daily burst of inspiration in fewer than a 100 words.

  • "A thought-provoking collection of ideas and musings that if taken to heart, have the potential to add immense depth and richness (with compounding interest) to your life"

    Shane Dryden, co-founder Yuppiechef

  • "Not once have I been sorry that I signed up for Pierre’s newsletter 😁"


  • "Getting this letter is a breath of fresh air amongst the sea of emails in my ever-growing inbox each day. It’s the one I excitedly click to open, waiting to see what image will load accompanied by an insight into Pierre’s wonderful strategic brain."


  • "It delivers a daily dose of thought-provoking insights that encourage you to pause, reflect, and ask new questions – a powerful boost for advancing my personal strategy!"


  • "If you want to be reminded how to be a decent human in just a few sentences, then this is it."

    Ronel H

  • “Pierres’ Daily Letter has become the weekday spark of inspiration, motivation and perspective for me. To me his letters serve as a reminder to not turn my rhythms into routine, but to stay intentionally present in every day”


Read some letters

GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis


Re-membering, to rejoin things that have been pulled apart.

I had a social media tiff with someone on social media the other day (you know how fruitful those can be...)

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Pierre du Plessis Pierre du Plessis

Bread on the water

Cast your bread on the water, an ancient saying probably referring the practice of sowing seeds in flooded rivers, then hoping that when the waters reside the seed will have taken root in the marshy fertile soil.

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Pierre du Plessis Pierre du Plessis

Tricky meeting coming up? Try this:

If you are like me, then this might help. I tend to have loooong arguments in my head AFTER I had a difficult meeting... "I should've said ..."

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GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis

very melodramatic

The stories my mind makes up is incredible in a terrible way, one little hook or one little comment and my mind races around in circles coming to the conclusion that all is worthless and we're just a day away from living on a trash heap.

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Pierre du Plessis Pierre du Plessis

one by one

Step by step, block by block, one small generous action on top of another, that is how you build something that lasts.

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Pierre du Plessis Pierre du Plessis

rock of sponge

In choosing the way forward, intuition or gut should play a major role. A friend of mine, former CEO of a major retailer, always says that intuition is always right, and if it wasn't the right path then it wasn't intuition. :)

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GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis GUMNASIA Pierre du Plessis

You need to...

At a famous zoo, they discovered that the animals were experiencing stress from being in public view. They started experimenting with 'resting' them, by giving them some privacy.

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