Daily Letter
A short, daily burst of inspiration in fewer than a 100 words.
Want to always do the right thing, answer these three questions:
A king decided that if he knew the answer to three questions, he would always do the right thing.
Here are the three most important questions*,
I didn't survive, I ...
When Tony Robbins asked Nelson Mandela how he survived all those years in prison, his answer surprised.
A Metcon of a Meditation session
I had a really crappy meditation session this morning. My mind was all over the place, I rewrote this email about 20 times in my head, did our monthly budget, rearranged about three to-do lists...
When is big enough, big enough?
I'm reading Eugene Peterson's Under the Unpredictable Plant at the moment and in it, he talks about organisational growth. I'd thought I'd share the basic idea here, it is quite profound.
"We just declared fame."
I once hear Lady Gaga say in an interview that she and her friends just decided one day to declare fame, that's it.
move the earth?
A Jeff Buckley quote about soil to end your week. By the way, did you know that Franciscan Monks used to taste the soil before they planted a vineyard? We do not exist apart from our context.
beyond platitudes
At the start of the year social media is filled with 'live your best life!' or 'become the best you!' posts.
Listen to the beat (welcome to 2020)
Welcome to 2020.
Even though it is just another cycle around our star, and nothing has really changed,
Beauty was seen by medieval scholars as one of the transcendentals of being,
Source of Suffering
In Buddhist philosophy, it is said the all suffering stems from desire, from wanting. This is true, especially when it comes to wanting a specific…
The Messenger
'Cause today is Thanksgiving (that is a holiday that deserves copying by the way..), I wanted to send you this poem by Marie Oliver, so we can remember that our true work is
weighed measured and found wanting
'If you can measure it you can't manage it' a classic business maxim that I have a love-hate relationship with.