Daily Letter
A short, daily burst of inspiration in fewer than a 100 words.
Specialisation is for insects
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship,
The most important friendship right now
The most important friendship you can make and nurture right now is with someone who
Two questions you need to answer every day:
Once there was a rabbi walking along a road when a Roman soldier shouted these questions at him:
Infinity in your hand
There are about seven and a half quintillion grains of sand on earth (give or take). This sand has been formed over the last 500 million years. When you pick
What is the task life is putting in front of you?
Life doesn't owe you anything.
It doesn't have to provide you with meaning, comfort or joy.
We are faced with a choice. Do we sink further into apathy or..
I'm re-reading Viktor Frankl's Man Search for Meaning (it's mandatory reading for all humans by the way)
His description of life in the concentration camps, of the ordinary prisoners, not the famous or infamous ones, is quite telling…
This one question could save your life
When Viktor Frankl was called in to help lower the suicide rate in a mental hospital in Austria he told them to give the patients this one question to discuss,
A pervasive form of violence...
I've noticed during lockdown there is a tendency for overwork. I've had several conversations with friends who now work 14 hour days, just because there isn't anything else to do.
spending your time..
In the introduction to Beyond Good and Evil, the great work by Nietzsche, the editor writes that during the last part of his life Nietzsche spent his time thinking and writing.
is it a good idea?
Remembered this yesterday, and it is such a good litmus test for an idea,
and 5 6 7 8
I love dance, not so much to dance, just dance. Proper choreographed serious dance. I went nuts when Sia's Chandelier video came out.
what do you do when all the doors and windows are closed?
Sometimes when a door closes, a window opens, and sometimes you have to go head first
Which pen, typewriter or webinar platform to use...
Having been in multiple meetings over the last month or two over which webinar or live streaming service is best I can tell you one thing for sure,
Shut up and do the work
Talk, talk, talk, post, post, post ... comment, comment, comment....
Our great gift for language is one of our biggest obstacles, we can talk about an idea forever without taking action to do it.
Mothers day was yesterday here in South Africa.
It got me thinking about our deep need to be mother-ed. To have someone to take care of us, to protect us, to teach us.
This is what you trained for
"This is what you trained for."
Those were the first words I said to my team and to our community when the lockdown was announced.
All that time spent on your meditation cushion in silence learning to let go, the time spent on retreats doing all that grinding inner work, this is what that was for.